- We saw Two Egg, Florida. It's just a tiny community at a crossroads. Not even a convenience store or gas station. But with a name as cool as "Two Egg," what more do you need?
- One ride included, I swear, the longest stretch of 3-7 percent grade road I've ever pedaled. It went on mile after mile after mile. But then the 25+ mph gusts of headwind may have affected my perception.
- Riding some interesting hills on a particularly windy morning, we struggled with a headwind for miles. Then the route made a turn and the headwind became a tailwind. Things got a little exciting. We got faster and faster, We crested the next large hill at 24 miles per hour, and things just got wilder on the descent. I didn't have the nerve to check my speed, I just kept off the brakes and tried to keep up with Al. It was wicked fun for the next few miles, till the road turned again.
- We rode into Alabama one day. It was one of the prettier rides of the trip.
- And then there were the stampedes. Cattle in a lot of rural areas are accustomed to cars and trucks, but bicycles spook them. They're fine with us if they are way back in the pasture. But if they are hanging out near the fence by the road and we stop to check them out? Well, stampede!
Florida by Bicycle
The best way to see places is by bicycle.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
We're all mature, until someone pulls out some bubble wrap. (Anonymous)
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Small towns make up for their lack of people by having everyone be more interesting. (Doris "Granny D" Haddock)

Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine. (Whoopi Goldberg)
Saturday, September 26, 2020
The longer I stay at home, the more I look as if I'm homeless.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize. (Clairee, Steel Magnolias)
Screen shopping. Mostly it's recreational, online browsing as it were, looking at things I want but don't need. But with a CLICK, fantasy can become reality. (It's practically magic.)
I enjoy looking at accessories for my bikes. Since I have pretty much everything I need, it's generally a safe way to spend some idle time. (Generally.)
One afternoon I found myself looking at the little wheels for my Brompton's rear rack. They come in different colors, styles, and slightly different sizes.
I looked over at my Brompton. Its little wheels were OK. Functional and sturdy. (How boring.)
Then I saw some wheels with a little flair. Simple design, functional, but with enough detail to be a bit more visually interesting. They echoed the design of the bigger wheels and the chainring. They were a bit larger, too, so they'd roll a bit better. In my mind's eye, I could see those wheels on my little bike, an improvement I'd like. OK, I didn't need them, but they weren't that expensive...
(If you have bicycles you love, you understand.)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
I’m at a place in my life when errands are starting to count as going out. (Anonymous)
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The Joy of a Bicycle Basket
I ordered my Brompton back before COVID appeared. Which is why I ordered a big Brompton bag for touring. I didn't bother with getting a smaller bag. My plans were all about travel.
One of the great points about a Brompton is the luggage system. There's a luggage carrier block on the frame. Brompton has a large range of bags of all sizes and uses. Each bag has a sturdy piece that clips onto the carrier block. It doesn't move with the handlebars. That means the weight of the bag and its contents doesn't interfere with steering.
My big touring bag (a large Borough roll top bag) is a bit of overkill for errands and short local rides. The smaller basket bag (the Borough basket bag) is a better choice. So I ordered one in July. Times being what they are, I had to order it from London. I definitely like it. Perfect size. It folds. There's outside webbing for hanging stuff. (Like my little hand sanitizer bottle.) There's an inside organizing pocket for wallet, phone, and keys. It has strap handles that make it easy to carry as a should bag off the bike. Definitely better than my little backpack or a string bag, especially in the humid heat of summer in Miami.
When the basket bag arrived, I clipped it onto the bike for a ride. I couldn't believe I'd gotten along without it. Perfect for quick shopping stops. Perfect for carrying a snack and my little thermos of espresso.
Proof that happiness can be found in the little things in life.
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