
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Do I Love the Rickenbacker Causeway? Oh, Yeah...

Today we headed out on the Rickenbacker Causeway to Key Biscayne. We needed to banish the bad causeway experience of yesterday on the MacArthur. The Rickenbacker is my flavor of urban biking happiness. Yummy.

Today we used our mountain bikes, content to watch the roadies fly by us. The Rickenbacker will be our prime road bike training route. (Al needs his hamster wheel route.)

The weather this morning was wonderful. Mid 70s, breezy but not oppressively windy. The capping touch was a cafecito and tiny cookies on Key Biscayne. Cafecito, the perfect bike fuel.
Cafecito (Cuban sweetened espresso)

On the Rickenbacker Causeway