
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Silly Stuff

Silliest thing: me in the only mask I own that can be worn while cycling. I have others that are OK for walks and such. This one, however, doesn't smoother you when you are breathing hard and can be washed after every wearing.

Since the start of this covid thing, we're all constantly doing risk analysis. And, not surprisingly, it is changing social rules in many neighborhoods. This is really true in one neighborhood I ride in a lot. Riding without a mask there is a big social no-no. Without a mask I get icy stares and scowls. With a mask people wave and say "good morning" and will even chat if I stop a respectful and safe distance from them. Another thing I love is their habit of saying "Thank you; enjoy your ride" when I make a wide arc around them when they are on the road walking, jogging, or biking with their family.

Here's some of the silly stuff I saw recently in this interesting area.

  1. Three men had blocked off a cul de sac. In every driveway one or two kids sat. One of the men had a big chalkboard with kid's names. Another man was nearby with a stopwatch. The third man was managing the kids. I stopped a respectful distance away and asked what was going on. "PE. We're having them do sprints today. They love it. Their moms love it. Tires them out beautifully." Clever. Since they have "PE" at around the same time every day, I'm going to try to keep tabs on this merry crew.
  2. Four young kids were playing outside in a yard behind a big fence and gate. A car was at the curb honking. The driver was standing by her open car door yelling at the house, "Look at the kids! Look at the kids!" Three of the kids were looking warily between the car and the house. The fourth kid was on the ground, tied up with enough rope to hold a small rodeo steer. He was crying and yelling. I decided against seeing the three little rope artists get ripped into by their mom when the noise finally caught her attention. I pedaled away.
  3. I got to ask about a few interesting dogs, the type a friend calls "accidental designer dogs." Rescues mostly, but clearly adored by their owners. A delightful cocker spaniel dachshund mix. A cute collie pit bull mix. And a weird poodle husky mix (think poodle with those piercing husky eyes...)

Who knew solo bike rides could be so much fun.